The men who come to Sunset House are generally in the early stages of recovery and are entering extended care. Even with several months of continuous sobriety, a man in early recovery is still vulnerable. There is a risk in having a man return directly to his regular life from treatment without the opportunity for him to practice his recovery skills in a clean, supportive environment and build a community of peers in an alumni program first.
Sunset House is a great first stop for men who are in the early stages of their recovery journey. Our campus in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida gives men a homelike environment with opportunities for fun and friendship without the risk of returning home to addiction triggers too early. The alumni program at our center helps men build trust and accountability with others in early recovery, which can help them avoid relapsing. Contact Sunset House at 561.827.7401 today to learn more about our resources for clients, families, and alumni.
Building a Community at Sunset House
Imagine moving into a neighborhood where all the neighbors were men in recovery; that’s what it’s like at Sunset House. It’s easy for our clients to find brotherhood and fellowship amongst one another because they have all faced similar challenges. New clients quickly settle into our supportive environment and learn what it takes to stay sober from those who have been in the program longer.
Many of the men at our center choose to dine communally, and it’s not unusual to find a dozen or so of our clients gathered at a communal table, sharing a meal together. Clients often attend many of the same 12-step meetings as well, where they show support for each other as they rebuild their lives.
Most importantly, our men look out for each other, lean on each other for support, and depend on each other for accountability. Connecting with and relating to other men in recovery helps many maintain their sobriety for the rest of their lives.
The Benefits of an Alumni Program for Addiction Recovery
The transition from rehab to daily life is a road that should be traveled with mindfulness and care. Without the proper support, it can be easy for men in recovery to turn to drugs or alcohol when they encounter a difficult situation.
Some of the benefits of an alumni program include:

- Opportunities for peer support and fellowship
- Furthering addiction education, such as relapse prevention techniques
- A clean, sober community to practice recovery skills
- Access to addiction treatment professionals and structured activities
- Guided mentorship from people in long-term sobriety

At Sunset House, we believe that our alumni program helps our clients develop the foundations for a successful, long-lasting recovery experience.
Our Men's Alumni Program for Addiction Recovery
Graduates of the Sunset House program and their families are invited to continue participating in our community for as long as they wish. We host monthly ceremonies where alumni are recognized for their continuous sobriety. Alumni are encouraged to bring friends and family members with them to these celebrations.
Our alumni program allows men to foster strong peer relationships with others like them that will last even after they leave Sunset House. This helps them keep their recovery goals top-of-mind as they reintegrate back into their communities with a newfound sense of accountability and trust. The alumni program is an essential support system for those in recovery, and we strive to ensure it’s accessible to all our clients.
Get Started at Sunset House Today
If you or a loved one is ready to start on the road to recovery, contact Sunset House today. We are committed to helping men make lasting changes and achieve long-term sobriety. Our alumni program offers resources and support for men transitioning from rehab to daily life so that they can learn how to continue building an addiction-free future. Call 561.827.7401 or contact us online for more information.